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Sunday 29 May 2016

php sessions

cdAn option approach to make information available over the different pages of a whole site is to utilize a PHP Session.

A session makes a record in a provisional catalog on the server where enlisted session variables and their qualities are put away. This information will be accessible to all pages on the site amid that visit.

The area of the transitory document is controlled by a setting in the php.ini record called session.save_path. Bore utilizing any session variable ensure you have setup this way.

At the point when a session is begun taking after things happen −

PHP first makes an extraordinary identifier for that specific session which is an irregular string of 32 hexadecimal numbers, for example, 3c7foj34c3jj973hjkop2fc937e3443.

A treat called PHPSESSID is consequently sent to the client's PC to store extraordinary session recognizable proof string.

A record is consequently made on the server in the assigned transitory catalog and bears the name of the remarkable identifier prefixed by sess_ ie sess_3c7foj34c3jj973hjkop2fc937e3443.

At the point when a PHP script needs to recover the quality from a session variable, PHP consequently gets the exceptional session identifier string from the PHPSESSID treat and after that looks in its brief index for the record bearing that name and an acceptance should be possible by contrasting both qualities.

A session finishes when the client loses the program or in the wake of leaving the site, the server will end the session after a foreordained timeframe, usually 30 minutes span.

Beginning a PHP Session

A PHP session is effectively begun by making a call to the session_start() function.This work first checks if a session is as of now begun and if none is begun then it begins one. It is prescribed to put the call to session_start() toward the start of the page.

Session variables are put away in acquainted cluster called $_SESSION[]. These variables can be gotten to amid lifetime of a session.

The accompanying illustration begins a session then enlist a variable called counter that is increased every time the page is gone to amid the session.

Make utilization of isset() capacity to check if session variable is as of now set or not.

Put this code in a test.php document and load this record commonly to see the outcome −



on the off chance that( isset( $_SESSION['counter'] ) {

$_SESSION['counter'] += 1;

}else {

$_SESSION['counter'] = 1;


$msg = "You have gone by this page ". $_SESSION['counter'];

$msg .= "in this session.";




<title>Setting up a PHP session</title>



<?php reverberation ( $msg ); ?>



It will deliver the accompanying result −

Pulverizing a PHP Session

A PHP session can be devastated by session_destroy() capacity. This capacity does not require any contention and a solitary call can devastate all the session variables. In the event that you need to pulverize a solitary session variable then you can utilize unset() capacity to unset a session variable.

Here is the case to unset a solitary variable −




Here is the call which will crush all the session variables −




Turning on Auto Session

You don't have to call start_session() capacity to begin a session when a client visits your site on the off chance that you can set session.auto_start variable to 1 in php.ini document.

Sessions without treats

There might be a situation when a client does not permit to store treats on their machine. So there is another strategy to send session ID to the program.

On the other hand, you can utilize the steady SID which is characterized if the session began. In the event that the customer did not send a suitable session treat, it has the structure session_name=session_id. Else, it extends to a void string. Along these lines, you can insert it unequivocally into URLs.

The accompanying case exhibits how to enlist a variable, and how to interface effectively to another page utilizing SID.



on the off chance that (isset($_SESSION['counter'])) {

$_SESSION['counter'] = 1;

}else {



$msg = "You have gone to this page ". $_SESSION['counter'];

$msg .= "in this session.";

reverberation ( $msg );



To proceed with snap taking after connection <br/>

<a href = "nextpage.php?<?php reverberation htmlspecialchars(SID); ?>">



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